New year, new skills! Resolve to finally enhance your search skills by attending January Workshops@Hirsh!
This month we will be offering workshops on two of the core databases for biomedical and health policy research: PubMed and Web of Science. These two databases compliment each other, so if you can, attend both!
Workshops are held on Zoom and registration is required. A Zoom link and password will be sent to registrants. Please note that workshops are open to only Tufts-affiliated individuals. Please note that workshops may be recorded at the discretion of the instructor.
PubMed: An Introduction
Register: https://tufts.libcal.com/event/14005561
Date: Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Description: This workshop will introduce you to PubMed, the world’s premiere biomedical literature database. We will review the content of this database, planning and executing a search strategy, narrowing search results, finding full-text, and exporting results to a citation management program.
Instructor(s): Annie Colby-McKeon (she/her) is the Senior Library Assistant at Hirsh Library.
Beyond PubMed: Web of Science Online
Register: https://tufts.libcal.com/event/14005594
Date: Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Description: Learn why Web of Science is worth adding to your search toolkit. In addition to extensive coverage of the biomedical literature, Web of Science a fantastic way to look at journal impact, gain insight into how many times an article has been cited, and identify potential collaborators.
Instructor(s): Amy E. LaVertu (she/her) serves as the librarian liaison to the Friedman School of Nutrition, as well as the departments of Geographic Medicine & Infectious Disease, and Psychiatry at the Tufts Medical Center.