Chemistry Databases
An online resource that provides access to more than 60 medical titles, thousands of photos and illustrations, interactive self-assessment, case files, diagnostic tools such as Diagnosaurus ®, a comprehensive search platform,and the ability to download content to a mobile device. Some subjects contained are OB/GYN, psychiatry, nephrology, otolaryngology, psychiatry, dermatology and many others.
Basic research journals in the field of chemistry, also includes some technoeconomic titles such as Chemical and Engineering News.
The ACS Symposium Series contains peer-reviewed books developed from the ACS technical divisions' symposia. The series covers a broad range of topics including agricultural and food chemistry, cellulose and renewable materials, chemical education, organic chemistry, polymer chemistry, materials, and many others.
This database is no longer actively updated and is an archive only file.
This database is no longer actively updated and is an archive only file.
This database assembles pertinent information from wide-ranging sources, reflecting the multi-disciplinary nature of calcium research.
Software providing specialized tools for drawing structures, reactions and reaction mechanisms. You must set up a ChemDraw account using your Tufts email in order to download the software.
Drawing from the literature on neurobiology, chemistry, physiology of taste, and chemotaxis this database covers topics on single transduction, receptors, channels, and neurogenetics.
This database encompasses all aspects of copper, its alloys and its compounds. From mining and extractive metallurgy, to antimicrobial properties, to use of copper in semiconductors, this database gathers information from academic journals, conferences and trade literature.
Current Chemical Reactions contains single- and multi-step new synthetic methods taken from leading journals and patents from 39 issuing authorities. The overall reaction flow is provided for each method, along with a detailed and accurate graphical representation of each reaction step. Current Chemical Reactions (1985 - present) contains more than 880,000 reactions. It is updated by 3,000 reactions each month. The database contains an additional 140,000 reactions from the prestigious Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, dating back to the 1800's.
Index Chemicus contains the structures and critical supporting data for novel organic compounds reported in leading international journals. In addition, many full records in the database show the reaction flow from starting material to final product. Index Chemicus is a vital source of new information on biologically active compounds and natural products.
An all-in-one solution for teaching undergraduate lab courses through comprehensive and curriculum-focused videos for both instructors and students.
JoVE Science Education is a video collection dedicated to teaching laboratory fundamentals through simple, easy to understand video demonstrations.
Knovel is an extensive collection of technical e-books for engineers and applied scientists, and has interactive charts, tables, graphs, equations and information on best practices.
Descriptive collection of critically assessed data in all fields of physical chemistry. Content is listed in 3 main groups, from all fields of physics, physical chemistry, geophysics, astonomy and biophysics. Special indexes allow for fast orientation either from the substance or property side. The data collection provides access to more than 387 volumes within the New Series.
This database contains perspectives on innovative cloning and sequencing strategies.
Includes both primary and review journals covering all branches of chemistry.
Provides research support for both the applied and general sciences, with access to charts, diagrams, graphs, tables, photos, and other graphical elements. Covers topics relating to major fields of study, including physics, engineering, astronomy, biology, earth sciences, and chemistry.
Science of Synthesis provides a critical review of the synthetic methodology developed from the early 1800s to-date for the entire field of organic and organometallic chemistry.
SciFinder is the most comprehensive database for coverage of chemistry and chemical engineering. It has the world's largest collection of organic and inorganic substance information. It provides integrated access to CAPlus, CAS registry, CASREACT, CHEMLIST, and CHEMCATS, which are produced by Chemical Abstracts Service; and to MEDLINE, which is produced by the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Sources covered include over 10,000 journals, patents from over 60 patent authorities, book chapters, conference proceedings, dissertations, evaluated reference works, technical reports, as well as book reviews and biographical information. 15 million PatentPak PDFs are included, as well as 5 million synthetic protocols. SciFinder provides researchers with improved searching functionality and additional tools to analyze and manipulate retrieved data sets. Registration is required to use this database.
SpringerMaterials is based on the Landolt-Bornstein New Series, the unique, fully evaluated data collection in all areas of physical sciences and engineering.