Commerce Databases

Contains content from more than 3,600 business and management publications worldwide, covering advertising, marketing, economics, human resources, finance, taxation, computers, and more. Provides full text articles for over 2,000 titles. Also provides access to information on more than 60,000 companies as well as executive profiles, reports on market conditions, and in-depth case studies of global business trends. Coverage starts from 1971 forward.

Provides up-to-the-minute news and prices from financial markets around the world. Offerings include 24-hour historical and 15-minute delayed securities pricing, news, data, and analysis on companies, markets and economies. Coverage includes equities, money markets, currencies, bonds, commodities, mortgage-backed securities, and derivatives.

Basic and in-depth information about companies, industries, and executives from the United States and internationally.

Factiva from Dow Jones has over 14,000 news and business sources from around the world, including newspapers, magazines, wire services, media transcripts, company and industry reports, historical market data, and advanced charting tools.

Research on consumer and B2B markets, including market forecasts, sector trends, statistics, and relevant associations. Current handbooks include: Business-to-Business Marketing; Consumer Behavior; Consumer Marketing; Consumer Use of the Internet & Mobile Web; Entertainment, Media & Advertising; Healthcare Business; Leisure Business Markets; International Consumer Markets; Restaurant, Food & Beverage Market; Retail Business, Sports Marketing; and Travel & Tourism Markets.

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