Environment and Public Health Databases
Covers the agriculture literature and related fields published in books, technical reports, journals, theses, patents, software, and audio-visual materials.
Search full text of Annual Reviews covering the biomedical, physical and social sciences, and economics.
This database has comprehensive focus on trade, technical and scientific literature concerning all aspects of water resources. Major subjects of coverage include water resources and supplies management, water legislation, water quality, potable water distribution, wastewater collection, water treatment technologies, wastewater and sewage treatment and ecological and environmental effects of water pollution.
BMJ Journals publish medical titles in specialist clinical areas, public health and evidence-based medicine.
Provides international coverage of agriculture, forestry, and allied life and applied sciences. Contains citations to journal articles, books, conference papers, and reports in the fields of agriculture; animal and veterinary sciences; environmental sciences; human health, food and nutrition; leisure and tourism; microbiology and parasitology; and plant sciences.
This HeinOnline database provides access to Congressional Research Service (CRS) reports, Government Accountability Office (GAO) reports, and scholarly articles organized into the following areas of impact: Economics, Global impact, Health, and Society.
This database gives access to the dissertations and theses produced by students at Tufts University.
Provides citations and abstracts to the literatures of scientific research and government policymaking. Topics are covered from the standpoints of atmosphere, emissions, mathematical models, effects on people and animals, and environmental action in response to global pollution issues. Material from conference proceedings and hard-to-find documents has been summarized along with information from primary journals in the field. Major areas of coverage include air pollution, marine pollution, freshwater pollution, sewage and wastewater treatment, waste management, land pollution, toxicology and health, noise, radiation, environmental action.
Capturing ecological, social, and public health crises, these documentaries bring the neglected stories of marginalized communities to light.
Provides comprehensive coverage of the international public-health literature, particularly in the areas of tropical medicine, infectious diseases, vector control, food safety, nutrition policy, and epidemiology.
GreenFILE is a research database focusing on the relationship between human beings and the environment, with information on topics ranging from global warming to recycling to alternate fuel sources and beyond.
Published in association with the University of Southern California's Institute of Safety and Systems Management, a comprehensive, timely survey of recent work relating to public health, safety and industrial hygiene.
Comprised of data from the National Library of Medicine's (NLM) MEDLINE database, Ovid's HealthStar contains citations to the published literature on health services, technology, administration, community health and research. It focuses on both the clinical and non-clinical aspects of health care delivery.
Significant findings and practical applications in agricultural, food and beverage, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries are assembled in this database.
This collection includes 23 current and archival newspaper databases.
An aggregate of databases with access to full text journals and books providing information from the following fields: Medicine, Veterinary medicine, Nursing, Allied health and Dentistry. Includes EBM Reviews (ACP Journal Club and Evidence-based medicine), CDSR (Cochrane Database of systematic reviews), DARE (Database of abstracts of effectiveness), CAB Abstracts, Global Health, HealthSTAR, Pre-Medline, Medline, Books@Ovid, and a collection of journals.
Passport is a global market research database providing statistics, analysis, reports, surveys and breaking news on industries, countries and consumers worldwide. It includes consumer demographics, market trends and nutrition data that allows users to examine the total amount of nutrients purchased through packaged food and soft drink products worldwide.
Database of information about cancer treatment, screening, prevention, statistics, genetics & supportive care, plus clinical trials.
PubMed Central (PMC) is the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) free digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature.
This PubMed link provides access to NCBI's databases with links out to articles licensed by Tufts. Its MEDLINE content contains over 11 million journal citations and abstracts in the fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, healthcare systems, and pre-clinical sciences. Full-text coverage of journals licensed or owned by Tufts is available via blue Tufts print and electronic icons on its Abstract display below each citation. PubMed links to free full text and to Tufts' holdings appear to the right of the search results.
Readers' Guide Full Text is a database containing comprehensive indexing and abstracting of the most popular general-interest periodicals published in the United States and Canada, plus the full text of selected periodicals.
A database of approximately 2000 full text journal titles published by Elsevier covering the life, physical, medical, technical and social sciences.
The SciTech Premium Collection includes the Natural Science Collection and Technology Collection databases and provides full-text titles from around the world, including scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, government publications and more. For researchers who need to conduct comprehensive literature reviews, this database includes specialized, editorial-controlled A&I resources for discovery of relevant scholarly research and technical literature critical to the discipline.
This database provides bibliographic coverage of current research focused on social work, human services and related areas, including social welfare, social policy and community development. The database abstracts and indexes over 1,300+ serials publications and includes abstracts of journal articles and dissertations and citations to book reviews.
Provides online, full-text access to Springer's journal and e-book titles, as well as titles from other publishers. Subjects include: life sciences, chemical sciences, environmental sciences, geosciences, computer science, mathematics, medicine, physics & astronomy, engineering and economics.
This database, produced by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, provides bibliographic citations and abstracts from the core journal literature in all areas of toxicology, including chemicals and pharmaceuticals, pesticides, environmental pollutants and mutagens and teratogens.
Virology and AIDS Abstracts provides access to the literature on every aspect of virology in humans, animals, and plants with topics ranging from replication cycles to oncology to AIDS. A subset of the Biological Science Database.
Provides full-text access to 300+ journals published by John Wiley & Sons. Subjects covered include: Business, Finance & Management, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth Science, Education, Engineering, Law, Life & Medical Science, Mathematics & Statistics, Physics and Psychology.
The Documents & Reports (D&R) site is an official disclosure mechanism for the World Bank Group’s final reports. The repository contains official documents and reports which are made available to the public in accordance with the Bank’s Access to Information Policy to better share the institution's knowledge base. The D&R site contains final and official documents and reports from 1946 through the present, including: Board Documents; Country Focus; Economic and Sector Work; Project Documents; and Publications and Research.
The World Bank Open Knowledge Repository (OKR) is The World Bank’s official open access repository for its research outputs and knowledge products.
WorldCat is a catalog of materials held by libraries worldwide, including books, periodicals, sound recordings, musical scores, videos, manuscripts, and maps.