Internal Medicine Databases

An online resource that provides access to more than 60 medical titles, thousands of photos and illustrations, interactive self-assessment, case files, diagnostic tools such as Diagnosaurus ®, a comprehensive search platform,and the ability to download content to a mobile device. Some subjects contained are OB/GYN, psychiatry, nephrology, otolaryngology, psychiatry, dermatology and many others.

AccessMedicine's Case Files Collection features basic science, clinical medicine, and post-graduate level cases from 23 Case Files series books (such as anatomy, pharmacology, emergency medicine, family medicine, internal medicine, ob/gyn, pediatrics, psychiatry, and surgery), and the personalized functionality to let users mark their progress through completed and unseen realistic patient cases.

BMJ Journals publish medical titles in specialist clinical areas, public health and evidence-based medicine.

Contains Elsevier's medical and surgical content in one interface with access to over 1100 books, over 500 journals, thousands of videos and millions of images. Register on ClinicalKey's home page for personal username/password in order to access pdfs of ebook chapters and to use personalized features.

Consists chiefly of 7 databases: Cochrane database of systematic reviews; Database of abstracts of reviews of effectiveness (DARE); Cochrane central register of controlled trials (CENTRAL); Cochrane database of methodology reviews; Cochrane methodology register; Health technology assessment database (HTA); and NHS Economic evaluation database (NHS EED).

This database on Ovid contains critical assessments of systematic reviews from a variety of medical journals. Covers topics such as diagnosis, prevention, rehabilitation, screening, and treatment.

DynaMed Plus is an evidence-based clinical decision support tool for physicians and other medical professionals for use primarily at the 'point-of-care'. It contains overviews, recommendations, specialty topics, drug information, graphics and images, direct links to article references in full text, and mobile access. It is updated multiple times daily to insure currency. Integrated Micromedex content provides resources to help better inform prescription decisions, medication management strategies and treatment decisions as a result of lab tests in the course of patient care.

DynaMedex combines all the point-of-care decision-making information of DynaMed with the drug information of Micromedex. DynaMedex is an evidence-based clinical decision support tool for physicians and other medical professionals for use primarily at the 'point-of-care'. It contains overviews, recommendations, specialty topics, drug information, graphics and images, direct links to article references in full text, and mobile access. The integrated Micromedex resource provides information to help better inform prescription decisions, medication management strategies and treatment decisions as a result of lab tests in the course of patient care.

Provides access to archived abstracts from 1985-1986. This database is not actively updated.

Provides comprehensive coverage of the international public-health literature, particularly in the areas of tropical medicine, infectious diseases, vector control, food safety, nutrition policy, and epidemiology.

A selection of authoritative books covering the 6 core clerkship rotations of Internal Medicine, OB/GYN, Pediatrics, Surgery, Family Medicine, and Psychiatry. This collection also includes the Board Review Series.

Summaries for over 800 diseases, conditions and wellness topics as well as the latest health news, an illustrated medical encyclopedia, and information on prescription and over-the-counter medications.

Full text access to selected health sciences book content.

A database of approximately 2000 full text journal titles published by Elsevier covering the life, physical, medical, technical and social sciences.

Searchable database of drug compendia, and medical and dental textbooks.

MedOne Adaptive Learner Step 1 is an adaptive learning medical education platform that uses USMLE style questions to support knowledge retention, application and synthesis. The product includes questions and answer explanations covering 11 USMLE specific disciplines.

Clinical reference tool that provides current answers to patient care, diagnosis and treatment questions at the point of care. Over 200 journals are regularly scanned and synthesized into topic reviews by clinical experts. The content is peer reviewed and fully referenced.

Provides full-text access to 300+ journals published by John Wiley & Sons. Subjects covered include: Business, Finance & Management, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth Science, Education, Engineering, Law, Life & Medical Science, Mathematics & Statistics, Physics and Psychology.

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