Nationalism Databases

Culled from the U.S. National Archives, this collection consists of correspondence and telegrams received and sent by the American consular post in Jerusalem. The topics covered by these records include the protection of interests of American citizens, foreign trade, shipping, and immigration. Includes significant material related to the British Mandate in Palestine.

Culled from the U.S. National Archives, this collection consists of correspondence and telegrams received and sent by the American consular post in Beirut. The topics covered by these records include the protection of interests of American citizens, foreign trade, shipping, and immigration. Includes material on the French Mandate in Syria-Lebanon the Druse Rebellion of 1925, religious and political conflict, the failure of the Franco-Lebanese Treaty of 1936, the creation of a new mandate administration in Syria in 1939, and more.

Digitized documents from the Justice Department Library and U.S. National Archives covering the Hindu Conspiracy Case, a series of arrests and later trials against Indian Nationalists active in the United States, bankrolled by Germans interested in supporting the overthrow of British colonial rule in India.

Drawn from the U.S. State Department Central Classified Files, the content of this collection provide essential and unique documentation on a wide variety of topics relating to Moroccan internal affairs from 1950 to 1959. These topics include: U.S. support for nationalists, Istiqlal Party terrorism, the Arab League's anti-French attitude, French exchange controls in Morocco, French settler concerns of spread of Algerian civil war, Pan-Arabism Berber support of French administration and army, the installation of French-puppet Sultan, economic and financial reforms, the exodus of Moroccan Jewry, Islamic society and Berberism, decolonization, development of the agricultural sector, industrial development, immigration and emigration, development of the textile industry, foreign trade and investment, and Marshall aid to Morocco.

Composed of FBI surveillance files on the activities of the African Liberation Support Committee and All African Peoples Revolutionary Party; this collection provides two unique views on African American support for liberation struggles in Africa, the issue of Pan-Africanism, and the role of African independence movements as political leverage for domestic Black struggles. Material from 1970-1985.

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