Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases Databases
Search full text of Annual Reviews covering the biomedical, physical and social sciences, and economics.
Created and maintained by the US Department of Agriculture this is the major source of food composition data in the United States. It provides the foundation for most food composition databases in the public and private sectors. Contains data on 6,220 food items and up to 117 food components. The database is downloadable via the USDA web site; files required to search the databases are also available for download.
Provides comprehensive coverage of the international public-health literature, particularly in the areas of tropical medicine, infectious diseases, vector control, food safety, nutrition policy, and epidemiology.
An aggregate of databases with access to full text journals and books providing information from the following fields: Medicine, Veterinary medicine, Nursing, Allied health and Dentistry. Includes EBM Reviews (ACP Journal Club and Evidence-based medicine), CDSR (Cochrane Database of systematic reviews), DARE (Database of abstracts of effectiveness), CAB Abstracts, Global Health, HealthSTAR, Pre-Medline, Medline, Books@Ovid, and a collection of journals.
PubMed Central (PMC) is the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) free digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature.
This PubMed link provides access to NCBI's databases with links out to articles licensed by Tufts. Its MEDLINE content contains over 11 million journal citations and abstracts in the fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, healthcare systems, and pre-clinical sciences. Full-text coverage of journals licensed or owned by Tufts is available via blue Tufts print and electronic icons on its Abstract display below each citation. PubMed links to free full text and to Tufts' holdings appear to the right of the search results.
A database of approximately 2000 full text journal titles published by Elsevier covering the life, physical, medical, technical and social sciences.
Provides full-text access to 300+ journals published by John Wiley & Sons. Subjects covered include: Business, Finance & Management, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth Science, Education, Engineering, Law, Life & Medical Science, Mathematics & Statistics, Physics and Psychology.