Boston Library Consortium

The Tufts University Hirsh Health Sciences Library is a member of the Boston Library Consortium (BLC), a cooperative association of nearly two dozen academic and research libraries. BLC supports resource sharing and enhancement of services to users through programs in cooperative collecting, access to electronic resources, access to physical collections, and enhanced interlibrary loans. The BLC website has more information about policies for accessing and borrowing from member institutions. To access resources, you will need to apply for a BLC Consortium Card at the Library Service Desk on the 4th floor of the Medical Education Building. Use the card to borrow from member libraries of the BLC. Consortium Cards are available to faculty, staff, and students.

Accessing Libraries

Please be sure to check individual library websites in advance of any visit. 

Borrowing Materials 

Please visit the BLC WorldCat, the single, searchable catalog of books and audiovisuals owned by libraries of the BLC as well as thousands of libraries worldwide. You can use WorldCat to simultaneously search catalogs to view the location and availability of materials around the world. Books and audiovisual materials can be borrowed from BLC libraries at no charge by using the ILLiad request button within WorldCat.