Getting Started with Off-Campus Access

Off-campus access refers to accessing resources when outside the physical Tufts University environment. This includes Tufts Medical Center users and other remote users who are not within a Tufts University-owned building.


If you have a Tufts Username and password, there are two ways to access resources off campus:

  1. Log into the university’s network from off campus through the Virtual Private Network (VPN) with your Tufts username and password
  2. Begin at the library’s website
    1. Search the catalog OR select a resource such as a databaseeBook, or eJournal.
    2. Sign in using your Tufts username and password, when prompted.

If you do not have a Tufts username and password:

  1. Begin at the library’s website
  2. Search the catalog OR select a resource such as a databaseeBook, or eJournal.
  3. Sign in using your Tufts Libraries Login (using OpenAthens) or your library access number (using EZproxy), when prompted.

If you do not have a library access number but are interested in getting one, please confirm if you are an eligible library user, then register to use the library online. Alternatively, feel free to contact the Library Service Desk directly.